Friday, January 20, 2012

Sunut football team 

Sometimes it’s the little things that matter.  Sunut football team had been practicing with a light weight ball and asked for a professional standard ball to use.

Having seen their talent for the game during our camping weekend, Jared Gow, son of Ocean Blue Resorts CEO was more than happy to help. With Jared is now back studying at University in England, it was over to Pak Muhasim and Mr Stephen Gow to present the ball to one of the players.

If anyone can help us buy the basics for the team, please write in.  T-shirts, boots, shin-pads  and balls all need funding!!

Gili Sunut smiles in the rain

While the rainy season is living up to its reputatin, the island is looking very tropical. The trees are heavy with foliage and the grass up on the hill, knee high.

It was a welcome scene for the visitors arriving from Jakarta and Singapore. Ocean Blue Resorts Indonesia  and Team Sunut invited some special guests for a tour of the island. And it didn’t disappoint.

We were able to show the guests that the new airport is up and running with 5 aircraft loading and loading visitors to Lombok. It was then the turn of the new road to impress them with the high speed road link to Mataram.

The visit was designed to show the great advances Lombok is making and the major investments designed to attract more tourist.  Hopefully the bank representatives can see that the region is all that it says it is and help investors create jobs and security for the communities.

Martin Gow, CEO of OBRI said,  ‘this area is no longer a green field site. We have the backing from Jakarta and Lombok Government to build the new tourism zone, we have the specialists to do the job and the business plan independently audited to ensure that the investors succeed.’  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bupati meeting to resolve problems

Ocean Blue Resorts Indonesia (OBRI) invited the head of their parent company to a meeting with the Bupati on the 6th January. The reason was to discuss the delays to the relocation and resolve some of the issues Team Sunut has faced with the authorities in Jakarta.
P. Sukiman with Martin and Stephen Gow 
The breakfast meeting was taken very seriously with 20 government officials including head of police, military, legal, judges and department heads working to help ensure that the OBRI’s overseas investment would not be derailed by Jakarta’s poor management of the legal process.

Attending the meeting were the founders of Ocean Blue Resorts, Martin Gow and Stephen Gow.  Both were keen to remind the Government of their commitment and financial support to the relocation and the building of the 6 star resort. 

Lombok BIL airport opened by SBY

CEO Martin Gow from OBR

The new international airport in Lombok opened in October and Ocean Blue Resorts Indonesia was invited to the grand opening with the President of Indonesia.
Pak Yasin celebrates at BIL 

Joining the officials at the party was CEO Mr Martin Gow. “It was a great honour to be invited and to hear the President’s support for Lombok. 

While congratulating the Governor on building a new tourist gateway, he reminded everyone that Lombok now needed investors to build the tourism industry and create jobs.  He made it very clear that the process needs to be more transparent for foreign investors like OBRI to feel confident to invest.”

What has this got to do with the community on Sunut? A lot.  As OBRI needs key documents from Jakarta, his speech was a clear signal to the various departments including BPN not hold up the process.

The community on Sunut and OBRI are waiting Jakarta.